Cross-border ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries in the Nordic countries

Report on the current situation for cross-border ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries in the Nordic countries and on a European level.

The Swedish eHealth Agency published on May 24th a report describing the current situation for cross-border ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries in the Nordic countries and on a European level. The report is the result of the project Cross-border ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries in the Nordic countries, a subproject within the Nordic Council priority project Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions (VOPD).


The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Vision 2030 aims to make the Nordic Region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. The Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018 implemented a special focus on e-health. The Swedish eHealth Agency was tasked to examine and suggest a plan for continued work on ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries across Nordic national borders. 

Of the Nordic countries, Finland and Sweden have decided to implement cross-border ePrescription services. Only Finland has decided to implement cross-border Patient Summaries. Looking at developments in the rest of Europe, 16 out of 27 EU countries plan to implement both cross-border ePrescription and Patient Summary services by 2023. Also, another two countries plan to introduce ePrescriptions and six are drafting plans for Patient Summaries.